About Constanza & This Blog

Hey there, and a hearty welcome to my little corner of the web! I’m Constanza, but you can call me Cons. Born in the heart of Madrid, but I also have Argentinian roots. If you asked me to describe myself in just three words, I’d say curious, enthusiastic, and adventurous.

My Writing Journey

My journey into the world of words started earlier than I can remember. Even before I could scribble a word, I was a storyteller at heart, dictating my tales to my parents for school writing contests. I crafted stories and shared them with friends, immersing myself in the joy of storytelling.

My knack for writing wasn’t just a passing phase; it was my calling. I remember typing away on my computer, creating a little home newspaper called ‘ECO-MUNDI,’ distributing it throughout my house as if the world awaited my words.
Writing was my playground – from crafting end-of-year speeches to acing argumentative essays. For years, I’ve poured my days and dreams into journals, effortlessly capturing the essence of my daily life and aspirations.

A Curious Mind

This unquenchable thirst for knowledge led me down an intriguing path. I dove into the world of Electronic Industrial and Automatic Engineering, driven by a fascination with robots, programming, and the mysterious realm of screens and buttons.

My academic journey took me to Argentina for six months, where I further explored this passion. After graduation, I dived into the world of data analysis, working remotely for almost 3 years for an international company. This role allowed me to weave in my love for travel, exploring Spain, Malta, and Argentina.

Constanza Massa smiling in Caboledo beach

A New Chapter in Angola

Recently, I embraced a new adventure. I left my data analyst job and I’m landing a role as a Project Engineer in Angola! It’s a land like no other, with its warm-hearted people, breathtaking landscapes, and hidden touristic gems.

Here on my blog, I share my musings on travel, work, and lifestyle – the very topics my friends often seek my advice on. I write with comfort, and these are the stories where I find my voice.
I hope you find joy in reading these pieces as much as I relish in writing them. May you find the insights you seek and the stories that resonate.
Welcome to my life’s journey, and thank you for being a part of it!

View of Luanda City